Canaan, CT
Concrete, Barrier Blocks, Dyed Color Concrete, Crushed Recycled Concrete, Topsoil, Graded Stone, Decorative Aggregates, Concrete Sand, Macro Fiber, Mid Range & Super Plasticizer, Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Strength Accelerator, Pervious Concrete, Moisture Vapor Reduction, Self-Compacting Concrete, Self-Healing Waterproof Concrete, and Micro Fiber Supplier.
49 Clayton Road
(860) 824-5485
Mon - Fri: 7:00AM - 4:00PM
Saturday: 7:00AM - 11:00AM
Our Canaan, CT location has been in business for over 20 years, and doubles as a sand & gravel location. It has 11 highly trained employees, including mixer drivers, a batcher, a dispatcher, a salesman and a manager.

10-year Platinum Sponsor to Canaan Little League
2019 Patterson Tigers Little League Sponsor
2020 Canaan Girls’ Softball “Ladies In Blue” Sponsor
Falls Village Golf Tournament Sponsor
Boy Scout Merit Badge Host
Boys and Girls Club Volunteer